
tirsdag, desember 11, 2007

P 293/07: Hundre millioner dollar

Filed under: forskning — plinius @ 12:35 am

dollar.jpgForskningsdata er de nye dokumenter.

Det amerikanske forskningsrådet – National Science Foundation – har utlyst midler til fem store prosjekter innenfor ett av fagbibliotekenes – og forskningsarkivenes – sentrale nye ansvarsområder:

how to develop the new methods, management structures and technologies to manage the diversity, size, and complexity of current and future data sets and data streams

NSF har hundre millioner dollar (!) til rådighet og ønsker søknader i størrelsesorden tjue millioner – fordelt over fem år.

Nye oppgaver

Jeg har ikke tenkt å søke – men ser utlysningen og begrunnelsen som uttrykk for en ny forståelse av bibliotekenes oppgaver i et digitalt kunnskapssamfunn. Når NSF setter av seks hundre millioner kroner, har de sentrale amerikanske forskningspolitikerne akseptert at dette er en viktig del av framtida.

De norske debattene om fagbibliotek og digital forskning kommer nok etter hvert – men premissene er langt på vei gitt. Det er jo ikke NSF (eller Norges forskningsråd) som styrer digitaliseringen av de globale forskningsmiljøene. Utlysningen til NSF er en reaksjon på en utvikling som ingen institusjon er i stand til å kontrollere.

Det er forskerne selv som ser seg tjent med å bruke IKT på nye måter. Det vi kaller digitalisering, er resulatet av mange tusen individuelle valg – som i det store og hele peker i samme retning. NSFs store satsing bare bekrefter – og oppmuntrer – den digitale trenden.

Slik blir det i Norge også. Fagmiljøene kan oppmuntre eller forsinke, bekrefte eller bremse. De kan velge å lære – eller forsvare posisjonene fra i går. Men de kan ikke styre det som skjer.

Det vi måtte ha av frihet i det digitale feltet, forutsetter innsikt i nødvendighet.





Program Title:

Sustainable Digital Data Preservation and Access Network Partners (DataNet)

Synopsis of Program:

Science and engineering research and education are increasingly digital and increasingly data-intensive. Digital data are not only the output of research but provide input to new hypotheses, enabling new scientific insights and driving innovation.

Therein lies one of the major challenges of this scientific generation: how to develop the new methods, management structures and technologies to manage the diversity, size, and complexity of current and future data sets and data streams.

This solicitation addresses that challenge by creating a set of exemplar national and global data research infrastructure organizations (dubbed DataNet Partners) that provide unique opportunities to communities of researchers to advance science and/or engineering research and learning.

The new types of organizations envisioned in this solicitation will integrate library and archival sciences, cyberinfrastructure, computer and information sciences, and domain science expertise to:

  • provide reliable digital preservation, access, integration, and analysis capabilities for science and/or engineering data over a decades-long timeline;
  • continuously anticipate and adapt to changes in technologies and in user needs and expectations;
  • engage at the frontiers of computer and information science and cyberinfrastructure with research and development to drive the leading edge forward; and
  • serve as component elements of an interoperable data preservation and access network.

By demonstrating feasibility, identifying best practices, establishing viable models for long term technical and economic sustainability, and incorporating frontier research, these exemplar organizations can serve as the basis for rational investment in digital preservation and access by diverse sectors of society at the local, regional, national, and international levels, paving the way for a robust and resilient national and global digital data framework.

These organizations will provide:

  • a vision and rationale that meet critical data needs, create important new opportunities and capabilities for discovery, innovation, and learning, improve the way science and engineering research and education are conducted, and guide the organization in achieving long-term sustainability;
  • an organizational structure that provides for a comprehensive range of expertise and cyberinfrastructure capabilities, ensures active participation and effective use by a wide diversity of individuals, organizations, and sectors, serves as a capable partner in an interoperable network of digital preservation and access organizations, and ensures effective management and leadership; and
  • activities to provide for the full data management life cycle, facilitate research as resource and object, engage in computer science and information science research critical to DataNet functions, develop new tools and capabilities for learning that integrate research and education at all levels, provide for active community input and participation in all phases and all aspects of Partner activities, and include a vigorous and comprehensive assessment and evaluation program.

Potential applicants should note that this program is not intended to support narrowly-defined, discipline-specific repositories.


1 kommentar »

  1. […] Hundre millioner dollar […]

    Tilbakeping av P 32/09 « Plinius — fredag, mars 6, 2009 @ 11:29 am

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